Monday, March 2, 2009

Find Invisible People in Gtalk, Yahoo Messenger

This is one of the most common trick which you would find in the Internet. But the trick wasn't available for Gtalk(Google Talk) for a long time. And soon after it was released too not many people knew the method to find out their friends who are invisible in the Chat list.

Well, the methods are pretty simple and they can be done by anyone .

GTalk (Google Talk)
1. Open the Chat window of the particular User on whom you want to find whether he/she is invisible.
2. Now Click on Option and Select the 'Go off the Record' option.
3. Now type some message and send it.
4. Now here is the trick, if you get a response "User is Offline and can't receive messages" in red font colour, then it means your victim is really offline.
5. If you dont get a response, it means your friend is in invisible mode and you are now ready to disturb them.

Yahoo Messenger
Well it is really easy to find out the same in Yahoo Messenger.
1. Open the Chat window of the particular User on whom you want to find whether he/she is invisible.
2. Now load the IMvironment "Doodle" and please wait since the IMvironment takes some time to load which depends on you connection speed.
3. Now if the Imvironemnt loads then the user is online.

These are tricks for checking the invisible people in Gtalk and Yahoo Messenger.


Unknown on March 2, 2009 at 11:19 AM said...

simply use for detecting yahoo invisible users

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